Windows 10 20H2 Ultra Lite X pt-BR Setembro 2020 torrent download
Windows 10 20H2 Ultra Lite X
to create:
Architecture: x64
Idiom: pt-BR (Nativo)
BIOS: UEFI / Legacy
format: ISO / ESD
MD5: 7D0556FA2F701C6E6D53A6EFD99BC27F
======= REMOVIDO ======
teclados after tela touch
Cortana-pesquisa Funcionando
Ignition -V
Screen protectors
Microsoft Edge
Metro applications
Onedrive – mas Poderar Ser Reinstalando Novamente
Microsoft Store – device design and management. OBS: You must sign in to your Microsoft account for normal service
===== DESATIVADO ====
Animations and Windows DESATIVADO
Sombra on Janelas on Curso DESATIVADO
OBS: Instalao Automatica The Drivers Funcionando, aps Instalao Dos Desative Drivers Windows Windows Update.
|| Aps an instalao reinicie sistema ||
==== INTEGRADO =====
Calculadora classica
Bloco de Notas
Visualizador Classico de Imagem
Microsoft Edge Chromium installor is a window creation pesquisa
Microsoft Store – device design and management
==== System meets Domstico ====
Edio de Documentos does not have an office
Copy video and audio devices
Navegao and the Internet
Microsoft Store software Funcionar
Alguns games are no fun
Microsoft Store.
Author: Gleison Lima
Windows 10 20H2 AIO 23/09/2020
Win10 House – Office 365
Win10 Pro – Office 365
Win10 One Language – Office 365
Win10 Education – Office 365
Win10 Pro Education – Office 365
Win10 Pro Center – Office 365
Win10 Enterprise – Office 365
Net system
MS Dart 10
Ofiice 365 Pro More
Office groups
Updates – 23 SET 2020
OBS: O Leaving Office Teams is an easy way to manage a new program
build windows:
Office building:
Tamanho: GB
Crditos: Gleison Lima
Architecture: x64
Idiom: Portuguese-BR
BIOS: UEFI / Legacy
format: ISO / ESD
MD5: 6A12A9EF9E74F1201E2E0F305E4FF111
Author: Gleison Lima. ir/windows-10-20h2-ultra-lite-x-pt-br-setembro-2020-telecharger/”>Windows 10.20H2
Rating 26 2