Windows 11 Pro 10.0.22000.71 LITE (x64) for VMWare Workstation Download
Keyboard language: sv-US
Hardware compatibility: Workstation
Memory: 4 GB
Processor core: 4
VMware Tool: Installed
Removed: Microsoft Store + Metro Applications + Microsoft OneDrive
Installation: unzip Windows 11 Pro to any location (default folder = Windows 11 Pro) and open the Windows 11 Pro file
Extract: 10 GB
Versions are changing
Windows 11 Pro Insider Preview (k64) for VMVare workstation
Keyboard language: sv-US
Hardware compatibility: Workstation
Memory: 4 GB
Processor core: 2
Removed: Microsoft OneDrive
Installation: unzip Windows 11 Pro (k64) .7z to any location (default folder = Windows 11 Pro (k64)) and open the file Windows 11 Pro (k64) . Windows 11 Pro 10.0.22000.71 LITE (x64) for VMWare Workstation torrent
Excerpt: Go
Windows is activated
Learn more about Windows 11 Pro Insider Preview:
Windows 11 Pro MEAT FOR VMVare workstation
This is a clean install of the full, empty version of Windows 11 (KB5005191), including all applications and features.
– Windows
Version 11 Professional (DEV channel)
Architecture: k64
Published: August 27, 2021
Keyboard language: sv-US
Windows is activated, there is no user password
* Security Update for MS Defender Antivirus – KB2267602 (version)
* Windows K64 Malware Removal Tool – (KB890830)
* 2021-08 cumulative update for .NET Framework and for Windows 11 for k64 (KB5004342)
* 2021-08 Cumulative update overview for .NET Framework and for Windows 10 version Nekt and Windows Server version Nekt for k64 (KB5001030)
– Settings
* The system is cleaned using Vise Disk Cleaner (Common Cleaner + Slimming System)
* The registry is cleaned using CCleaner
– VMvare
Compatibility: Workstation
Memory: 4 GB (allocate more memory if possible)
Processor Core: 4 (increase the number of cores whenever possible)
VMware Tool: Installed version
Usage: Drag Windows 11 Pro to the location of your choice. Start VMware Workspace and open the Windows 11 Pro file in the selected onefolders.
Excerpt: Go
Learn more about Windows 11 Insider Preview Build.
Rating 28 5